How To Wash Table Linens

When you first get your new table cloth, it may feel like a piece of junk. You’ve probably never used it before, and you may not even know what kind of stain it will leave on your new table. Fortunately, that’s not always the case. There are plenty of ways to get your old tablecloths washed. You can even find companies that will do it for you! Read on to learn how to wash table linens. Here is a list of some general tips to help you get your old tablecloths washed. We’ll be adding more tips as they are discovered.

Don’t Forget to Rinse

Don’t Forget to Rinse

If you forget to rinse after a wash, you’ll definitely have an old, scummy tablecloth in your pile of new tablecloths. So, don’t forget to rinse after every wash. It’s a good idea to do it every day clean and then re-rinse the next day. If you don’t want your old tablecloth soaking in the first place, try not to do it in the same room as an oily or sticky surface.

Wash Before You Use

To wash table linens, washing your old tablecloths before you use them can get you a lot more wear and tear. On your new table cloths then wash them after they’ve been ironed. Be careful! Soaking the tablecloth will break down the proteins in your tablecloth. If you’ve got an old tablecloth lying around, you might be able to use it as a washcloth!

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Don’t Leave the Machine Running

Washing your old tablecloths at the end of the day is generally a bad idea. It’s not only a sign of overwashing but also an indication that you’ve over-extracted the oils in the fabric. If you’re running your machine and the old tablecloth feels like. It’s wearing off, make a mental note to get it washed as soon as possible.

Don’t Oversoak

Washing your past tablecloths in the same room as an oily or sticky surface is a sure way to end up with a bad stain. So, avoid too much soaking if possible. There are plenty of ways to wash your past tablecloths, and you can even find companies that will do it for you!  Oversoaking your tablecloth can also damage the threads in your carpet, making it harder to remove. Always wash your past tablecloths in the same room as an oil slick or another sticky surface.

Don’t Over Eau

Over eau is when the water in the wash cycle is too hot for the fabric to stand out. It can also occur when the fabric is washed in heavy winds or on a hot surface. It’s not a good idea to wash your past tablecloths while they’re still very damp. Over eau is also called “coffee”. Because the foaming action of the water can result in dark, oily stains on the fabric. If your old tablecloth feels coffee-like when you wash it, it probably has to believe your past tablecloths out in the elements can even end up wearing the fabric out faster. Over Eau is a poor way to wash your tablecloths.

Don’t Wring Out the Excess Water

Don’t Wring Out the Excess Water

Washing your old table cloths in the same room as an oily or sticky surface is a sure way to end up with a bad stain. So, avoid wearing another towel around the house when you’re doing this. It’s just too much work and you don’t have the energy for it. It’s best to only wear a towel when you’re doing the following:  

– Washing your feet, hair, face, and hands

– Dry cleaning (optional)  

– No ironing  

– Don’t think about it too much  

– Pressure wash (optional)

Wash Cool

Washing your old tablecloths cool may also come back to bite you in the end. If your old tablecloths are still too hot for your new table, you may end up with a hot table while you’re still in control. Washing your old tablecloths cool also helps prevent. Your new table from getting scorched.

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Don’t Over Bleach

Don’t Over Bleach

When it comes time to clean your old tablecloth, you may want to turn to the old-fashioned method for true black. Bleach will do absolutely nothing to help your tablecloths stay white.  The only thing it will do is turn your old tablecloths black.

Don’t Over-machine Wash

To wash table linens, washing your old tablecloths in the same room as an oily or sticky surface is a sure way to end up with a bad stain. So, avoid oversoaking them. It’s better to make an exception and wash your old tablecloths in the machine. Overwashing can actually hurt your new tablecloths. Over-stressing your new tablecloth is sure to give it a hard time to stand up!


Washing your old table cloths is a great way to get the most out of your new table cloth. The important thing is to keep doing it until the job is done. Washing your past tablecloths is a great way to get the last bit of life out of them.

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