How To Use Charger Plates

How To Use Charger Plates

We all know that having the freshest ingredients is the best way to make a food product. The same is true for our charger plates.

Even though the equipment and materials used to make our chargers are almost always fresh, it can sometimes be hard to tell. When we think of our chargers, it’s usually part of a whole food product. Think salads, sandwiches, burgers, and wraps. But what about chargers that are really engineered to be perfect for specific applications? Are they just as important as the other types of chargers? The answer is yes. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to use charger plates to make sure that your finished product is the freshest it can be.

Find A Plate 

Find a Plate 

First, find a plate that will work best for your application. For sandwiches, use a plate with a 0.25-inch edge. For burgers, use a plate with a 0.5-inch edge. In the salads, go with a plate that is 0.5 inches deep. Use a smaller plate that fits well in your hands for easier handling.

For dinner buffets and other commercial applications, larger plates with a 1-inch edge are usually used. For home cooking, plates with wider edges can be used. Some people like to use dinner plates for lunch the next day.

Charger Plate Etiquette 

Charger Plate Etiquette 

Washing a plate before using it will help remove any bacteria that could be present. Otherwise, use a clean finger to lightly pat the plate dry.

Next, make sure you have the right utensils for the job. For example, if you’re cooking sandwiches, it’s a good idea to use utensils that are specifically designed for the job. For example, butter and salad dressings should never be pourable over a sandwich because that would mean using the wrong utensil. Similarly, if you’re using a plate to serve food, make sure you have the right plate for the job. For example, a dinner plate should be used for one meal, not a party table.

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Clean Your Charger Plate 

After you’ve chosen the right plate for your application, the next step is to get it clean. Washing a dirty dish with soap and water will help remove the dirt but will not clean the dish itself. Instead, use a mild dishwasher detergent and a non-abrasive dishwashing soap. Rinse the plate with fresh water and allow it to air dry.

If you’re having trouble getting the plate clean, you can also use a mild scrubbing pad or even your hands to deeply scrub the dish.

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Set The Table 

Set The Table

After you’ve made sure the platter is clean, it’s time to set the table. This is perhaps the most important step in using a charger platter. Choose the right table set to match the right plate. For example, if you’re using a dinner platter, place it on the table’s edge so that it’s not in anyone’s direct line of sight. If you’re using a lunch platter, place it in the table’s middle.

Serve Your Guests 

Serve Your Guests 

After you’ve set the table, it’s time to serve your guests using the platter. Put the dish in the right position at the right time so that everyone gets the most out of their visit. For example, if you’re serving a burger to a group of six people, set the platter in the center of the table so that there is at least one person sitting directly across from the platter.

If you’re using a salad or a sandwich platter, serve it at the end of the meal so that you don’t have to worry about anyone finishing the salad or sandwich first. This way, they won’t feel too hungry when they come to take the dish home.

Know When To Remove Charger Plates 

Once everyone has eaten, it’s time to remove the charger plates from the table. This is the easiest and most important step in using a charger plate. Always remove the plates from the table when the meal is done so that no one has to clean up after a large party.

If you’re serving dessert, plates should be removed just before the plates are empty so that everyone has time to collect their thoughts and think about what they just ate.

Follow Proper Placement Guidelines 

Follow Proper Placement Guidelines 

After you’ve removed the plates from the table, the next step is to decide where to put the charger plates. This is the most important decision you can make when using a charger platter. Placing the plate in the wrong location will cause the bacteria present in the dish to spread and lead to more foodborne illnesses.

For example, if your home is small enough that you can always find a place to set the plate, then it’s not necessary to purchase a large commercial-size dish. However, if you have a large appetite and always want to load up on food, then you need to purchase a large dish.

Please Avoid Direct Contact 

Last but not least, when using a charger dish, please avoid direct contact with your hands. This includes when using the dish to serve food. Always put the fork on the dish, then put your hands on the dish to pick up the fork and continue to hold it while you serve the food. This will keep your hands away from the dish and keep the bacteria present on the dish from spreading.

Final Thoughts 

The best way to use a charger dish is to use it as a tool to help you make your food product the freshest it can be. This means that you need to use the freshest ingredients possible. The best choice for your ingredients is a charger dish. Use it well and reap the benefits.

If you’re confused about how to use a charger dish, take a look at these examples of chargers in use:

Salads are one of the most versatile foods you can create. You can use it for a basic salad, with an optional vinaigrette, or as a showcase for your favorite vegetables, greens, or other ingredients.

Sandwiches are classic American food and a great way to use a charger dish. You can either make a classic hoagie or try one of these creative sandwich combinations:

If you’re not sure how to use a charger dish, take a look at these handy usage examples:

We hope this post helped you understand how to use charger plates better. Remember, when using a charger dish, it’s important to use it correctly so that the bacteria present on the dish don’t get spread around your kitchen or house.

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