How to Arrange Furniture in an Awkward Living Room

How To Arrange Furniture In An Awkward Living Room

If you’re like most people, your living room is one of the rooms in your house that you’d love to make look better but don’t know where to start. In this article, we’ll show you how to arrange furniture in an awkward living room so it looks more comfortable and organized. Start by looking at the room’s layout and determining what pieces of furniture are nearest to where you’re standing or sitting.

An Attic Loft Living Space

An Attic Loft Living Space

If you have an attic loft living area, you may find yourself struggling. This is because attic lofts are often long and narrow, with low ceilings. Here are a few tips for arranging furniture for this.

1. Start by positioning the largest pieces of furniture against the longest walls. This will help to make the area feel more spacious.

2. Use smaller pieces of furniture to fill in the spaces between the larger pieces. This will help to create a more cohesive look.

3. If you have a lot of small pieces of furniture, consider using an ottoman or coffee table as a makeshift storage unit. This will help to free up some additional areas.

4. Consider using mirrors to enlarge the appearance of the area.

A Long And Narrow Livings With Full Walls Of Windows

A Long And Narrow Living Room With Full Walls Of Windows

A long and narrow living with entire walls of windows can be beautiful, but it can also be tricky to arrange furniture. If the room is too deep, it can be difficult to get from one end to the other. If the windows are too high, the room may feel cramped. Here are some tips for how to arrange furniture in an awkward living room:

1. Try to create a focal point in the room. This could be a fireplace, a piece of art, or a television. Furniture should be arranged around this focal point.

2. Use furniture that can serve multiple purposes. A sofa that converts into a bed can be helpful in a small drawing-room. A coffee table that also has storage can be helpful as well.

3. Think about the flow of traffic in the room.

Split-Level Living And Dining Room

Split-Level Living And Dining Room

When you have a living with awkward dimensions, the best way to make the most of the area is to use furniture that can be placed in more than one way. A split-level living and dining room is a great way to use this type of furniture. By placing the furniture on different levels, you can create two separate spaces or one large open space.

The key to arranging furniture is to use pieces that can be placed in more than one way. Sectionals and sofas with recliners are perfect examples of this type of furniture. With a sectional, you can place it in the middle of the room to create two separate spaces or against one wall to create one large space. Sofas with recliners can be placed in the same way.

Super Small Apartment Livings

Super Small Apartment Living Room

When you’re dealing with a super small living, every inch counts. And that means that furniture has to be arranged in a way that makes the most of the area. Here are a few tips for arranging this:

1. Try to use furniture that can serve more than one purpose. For example, a coffee table that also has a storage area underneath can help to free up some extra space.

2. Get rid of any excess furniture. Chances are you don’t need all those tables and chairs taking up valuable area. Consider getting rid of some pieces and see if that doesn’t make the area feel a bit more spacious.

3. Use multipurpose furniture whenever possible. A sofa that also converts into a bed can be a lifesaver when you’re short on area.

A Wide Open Livings

A Wide Open Living Room

If you’re dealing with an awkward drawing-room, the best way to approach furniture placement is to start by defining your main purpose for the space. Do you want it to be primarily a living space or a space that can accommodate both living and dining? Once you know your primary function, it’ll be easier to begin arranging pieces.

If you’re looking to create a drawing-room, try using large furniture pieces to create zones within the space. For example, placing a sofa and loveseat near the windows will help define the area as a seating zone. You can then use smaller pieces like coffee tables and side tables to fill in any open spaces.

If you’re looking to create a multipurpose living and dining room, try using an area rug to section off the living space.

A Long, Open Living And Dining Room

A Long, Open Living And Dining Room

Living and dining rooms that are open to one another can be beautiful, but they can also be challenging to decorate. If the drawing-room is small, the appliance will need to be arranged carefully in order to make the most of the space. If the dining room is large, it can be not easy to figure out how to use all of the space effectively. Here are a few tips for arranging furniture in an awkward living and dining room.

1) If possible, try to keep the appliance in the drawing-room as close together as possible. This will help to make the space feel more cramped.

2) Use a large piece of appliance, like a sofa or an entertainment center, to divide the two rooms. This will create separate spaces and make it easier to decorate each one separately.

A Petite Living Room With Multiple Doorways

A Petite Living Room With Multiple Doorways

If you have a petite living space with multiple doorways, you may find it difficult to arrange the appliances. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of the space.

1. First, decide where you want to place the sofa. If there is not enough space for it to face the doorways, consider putting it in a corner instead.

2. Next, determine where to put the television. If there is not enough space for it to be placed in front of the sofa, try mounting it on the wall instead.

3. Once you have decided on these two pieces of furniture, start filling in the remaining spaces with chairs and tables.

4. If there are two doorways, try placing a chair or table in between them so that people can pass through easily.

An Awkward Living Room With Angled Walls

An Awkward Living Room With Angled Walls

If you have an awkward living space with angled walls, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people find themselves in this situation, and it can be difficult to know how to arrange the appliances. Here are a few tips to help make the most of your space:

1. Start by measuring the space and drawing out a floor plan. This will help you figure out how much space you have to work with and where each piece of the appliance should go.

2. Try to use as many straight walls as possible to create straight lines and rectangular shapes. This will help make the space feel more organized and symmetrical.

3. Appliance that is against the angled walls should be pushed back as far as possible so it doesn’t take up too much space.

A Small Living Room With A Fireplace And Five Walls

A Small Living Room With A Fireplace And Five Walls

Every inch counts when you don’t have a lot of space to work with. Here are some ideas on how to arrange furniture in a small drawing-room with a fireplace and five walls.

One option is to place the sofa against one wall and use the other four walls for appliances or storage. This can be tricky, though, because it can be difficult to get around the sofa.

Another option is to place the sofa in the middle of the area and use the walls for appliances or storage on either side. This can make the area feel more spacious.

If you have a lot of appliances, you may want to consider using an open floor plan instead of five walls. An open floor plan allows you to move appliances around more easily and creates a more spacious feel.

A Small Living/Dining Room With A Slanted Wall

A Small Living/Dining Room With A Slanted Wall

Living rooms come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes you’re stuck with one that’s just not ideal. If your living space has a slanted wall, it can be tough to know how to arrange the furniture. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your small living-dining space.

First, try to use pieces that can serve multiple purposes. A couch that also doubles as a bed or a coffee table with storage can be really helpful in a space like this. You may also want to consider using appliances that can be easily moved around, like ottomans or benches.

If you have to use appliances against the slanted wall, try to angle it so that it doesn’t take up too much space. You may also want to use taller pieces on the shorter side of the wall, and smaller pieces on the longer side.


In conclusion, there are a few things to keep in mind when arranging appliances in an awkward living area. First, try to find the focal point of the area and arrange the appliances around that. Second, use lighter colors and furniture to make the area look bigger. Third, think about how you want to use the space and make sure the furniture can accommodate that. And finally, always be prepared to move appliances around until you find the arrangement that works best for you.

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